Created By : Abhinandan Kumar

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : Oct 08, 2023

The user-friendly Dividing Fractions Calculator tool finds the division of fractions 23/40 and 46/3 and produces the exact answer as 3/80 along with a detailed explanation.


How to Calculate 23/40 Divided by 46/3

The given fractions are 23/40 and 46/3

On dividing the both fractions,23/40 ÷ 46/3

Then the denominator of the first fraction i.e., 40 will comes to the numerator of the second fraction and gets multiplied,

And in the same way,the denominator of the second fraction i.e., 3 will comes to the numerator of the first fraction and gets multiplied:

23/40 ÷ 46/3 = 23 x 3/40 x 46

On Multiplying the denominators and the numerators,the fraction value we get,


Result: 3/80

FAQs on Dividing Fractions 23/40 and 46/3

1. Divide fractions 23/40 by 46/3 as a fraction?

The division of fractions 23/40 and 46/3 is 3/80.

2. How to use the Dividing Fractions Calculator to find divide fractions 23/40 and 46/3?

It is very easy to find the division of fractions 23/40 and 46/3 with a calculator. You just have to input fractions data and hit the calculate button to get the answer i.e 3/80.

3. How do you divide fractions 23/40 and 46/3?

For dividing fractions 23/40 and 46/3, flip the second fraction and multiply it with the first fraction. So, the division of fractions 23/40 and 46/3 is 23/40 x 3/46 = 3/80.