Created By : Abhinandan Kumar

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : Oct 08, 2023

If you are looking to find the equivalent fraction of 138/30 you can directly look into our page of Equivalent Fraction Calculator.

= 23
, 46
, 69
, 92
, 115
, 138
, 161
, 184
, 207
, 230
, and so on....

Detail solution for calculating Equivalent Fraction of 138/30.

Two frations are equivalent when they have the same value when written in lowest terms.
The fraction 138/30 is equal to 23/5 when reduced to lowest terms.
To find equivalent fractions, just multiply the numerator and denominator of that reduced fraction (23/5) by any interger number, ie, multiply by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,..., 10,..., 30,..
23/5 X 1/1 = 23/5
23/5 X 2/2 = 46/10
23/5 X 3/3 = 69/15
and rest will follow the same.

FAQs on Equivalent Fraction of 138/30

1. How do you calculate the equivalent fraction of 138/30 on a calculator?

Simply give the two values in the allocated input boxes, 5 in numerator and 6 in denominator, then click on the calculate button, so that you will get the answer.

2. What is the equivalent fraction of 138/30?

Equivalent Fraction of 138/30 is 23/5, 46/10, 69/15, 92/20, 115/25, 138/30, 161/35, 184/40, 207/45, 230/50, ...

3. How to find an equivalent fraction of 138/30?

Firstly, reduce the fraction by dividing the given number, then multiply the numerator and denominator with the natural numbers like 2,3,4,5,6,.... Then you will get the answer of 23/5, 46/10, 69/15, 92/20, 115/25, 138/30, 161/35, 184/40, 207/45, 230/50, ....