Created By : Abhinandan Kumar

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : Oct 07, 2023

Addition of Fractions Calculator tool finds the fractions addition between the fractions 44/63 and 8/67 i.e 3452/4221 in a simple manner.


How to Add Fractions 44/63 and 8/67?

The given fractions are 44/63 and 8/67

Firstly the L.C.M should be done for the denominators of the two fractions 44/63 and 8/67


The LCM of 63 and 67 (denominators of the fractions) is 4221

Given numbers has no common factors except 1. So, there LCM is their product i.e 4221

= 44 x 67 + 8 x 63/4221

= 2948 + 504/4221

= 3452/4221

Result: 3452/4221

FAQ’s on Adding Fractions 44/63 and 8/67

1. What is the addition of 44/63 and 8/67?

The addition of fractions 44/63 and 8/67 is 3452/4221.

2. How to add the sum of fractions 44/63 and 8/67?

You can add fractions 44/63 and 8/67 by finding the L.C.M of 63 and 67 i.e. 4221. After that multiply the numerator and denominator of every fraction by the number of times each fraction denominator goes into the L.C.M. Finally add the numerators of the fraction.

3. How do you add fractions 44/63 and 8/67 on a calculator?

To add fractions on a calculator, you need to give 44/63 and 8/67 as inputs and press the calculate button. The tool will display the answer 3452/4221 as an answer in a short time.