Created By : Abhinandan Kumar

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : Oct 08, 2023

Calculate the subtraction of fractions 15/6 and 3/63 with the help of the handy tool Subtraction of Fractions Calculator and get the detailed step-by-step answer.


How do you Subtract Fractions 15/6 and 3/63?

The given fractions are 15/6 and 3/63

Firstly the L.C.M should be done for the denominators of the two fractions 15/6 and 3/63

15/6 - 3/63

The LCM of 6 and 63 (denominators of the fractions) is 126
3 6, 63
2, 21

So the lcm of the given numbers is 3 x 2 x 21 = 126

= 15 x 21 - 3 x 2/126

= 315 - 6/126

= 309/126

= 103/42

Result: 103/42

FAQs on Subtraction of Fractions 15/6 and 3/63

1. How do you subtract fractions with different denominators 15/6 and 3/63?

To subtract fractions 15/6 and 3/63 with like/different denominators find the denominators LCM and make both fractions' denominators equal to the LCM of 6 and 63 value i.e 126. After that add numerators and simplify the fraction i.e 103/42.

2. What is 15/6 minus 3/63 as a fraction?

15/6 minus 3/63 as a fraction is equal to 103/42.

3. How to subtract 15/6 and 3/63 on a calculator?

You have to give these numbers 15/6 and 3/63 in the input fields and press the calculate button of the tool to avail the answer 103/42 quickly.