Created By : Abhinandan Kumar

Reviewed By : Rajashekhar Valipishetty

Last Updated : Oct 08, 2023

Calculate the subtraction of fractions 35/66 and 14/61 with the help of the handy tool Subtraction of Fractions Calculator and get the detailed step-by-step answer.


How do you Subtract Fractions 35/66 and 14/61?

The given fractions are 35/66 and 14/61

Firstly the L.C.M should be done for the denominators of the two fractions 35/66 and 14/61

35/66 - 14/61

The LCM of 66 and 61 (denominators of the fractions) is 4026

Given numbers has no common factors except 1. So, there LCM is their product i.e 4026

= 35 x 61 - 14 x 66/4026

= 2135 - 924/4026

= 1211/4026

Result: 1211/4026

FAQs on Subtraction of Fractions 35/66 and 14/61

1. How do you subtract fractions with different denominators 35/66 and 14/61?

To subtract fractions 35/66 and 14/61 with like/different denominators find the denominators LCM and make both fractions' denominators equal to the LCM of 66 and 61 value i.e 4026. After that add numerators and simplify the fraction i.e 1211/4026.

2. What is 35/66 minus 14/61 as a fraction?

35/66 minus 14/61 as a fraction is equal to 1211/4026.

3. How to subtract 35/66 and 14/61 on a calculator?

You have to give these numbers 35/66 and 14/61 in the input fields and press the calculate button of the tool to avail the answer 1211/4026 quickly.